- PVP Oriented (if your killboard is trashy you might have issues).
- Ability to fly capitals (or be damn close to it with a good killboard).
- Ability to communicate using voice communications and fleets.
- Splerg levels of less than 30/100.
- We don’t hand-hold. If you want to F1, go elsewhere.
- Not Red Dont Shoot (NRDS) Only applies in real-life.
- Not Blue Shoot It Applies everywhere else, including EVE.
- Be available for a teamspeak interview and bring a picture of your spirit animal to this interview (if you do not have one you better find one).
- Already be on our discord; https://discord.gg/Kw8mguAT7M
Ok, I’m still interested,
- Fill out this form first: https://form.honorablethird.com
- Fill out this next: https://auth.honorablethird.com (if you have issues with this step continue and relay to your recruiter)
- Be cool and hangout, you will be updated on your application when we get the chance to review it. If you answered the initial form with zero effort, or, didn’t listen to the actual directions, you might not even hear back.